To go to university is a big deal for the students. While going to university, they have feelings of excitement as well as nervousness. No doubt, it is a unique experience for some students. Its reason is that they find an opportunity to move away from the home. Moreover, they also become independent in universities. These students also find lots of opportunities to develop their life skills. Unfortunately, it becomes a bad experience for those students who face the problems of bullying. Bullying has become an emerging issue in universities. We should try to take actions against bullying in universities. After overcoming bullying in the universities, experts of PhD dissertation writing service can provide the best opportunities for learning to the students.
Types Of Bullying In The Universities:
The students have reported various types of bullying in universities. The most common types of bullying in the universities are given below;
- Social and emotional bullying
- Cyberbullying
- Name-calling
- Sexualized bullying
- Physical bullying
Almost all the types of bullying last some negative impacts on the minds of the students. We should try to overcome it in the universities.
Tips To Overcome Bullying In The Universities:
The students can face random or regular acts of bullying in universities. If students are facing the problems of bullying in the universities, they should adopt the following tips to overcome bullying.
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- Define It Clearly:
Most of the students and professors don’t know the actual definition of bullying. Therefore, the first step to overcome bullying in universities is to define it clearly. First of all, students and professors should know that bullying occurs at all grade levels. Therefore, to reduce bullying in universities, they should adopt the same language at one university. Secondly, staff members should easily distinguish between teasing and bullying. If a student follows the activities to tease or provoke others, he is teasing the other students. On the other hand, the imbalance of power is known as bullying. At last, they should also understand the definition of cyberbullying. The use of electronic devices to tease the students is known as cyberbullying.
- Set Clear And Enforceable Rules:
In most of the universities, the cases of bullying are increasing because they have not developed clear and enforceable rules to stop bullying. While developing clear and enforceable rules, you will have to follow some essential tips. First of all, you will have to state the rules in positive terms. Secondly, you should set such rules that can cover multiple situations. Thirdly, you should also make sure that these rules are age-appropriate. Fourthly, you should teach these rules to the students. At last, you should show consistency in enforcing these rules.
- Reward Positive Behavior:
It is a fact that we are expecting positive behaviour from the students. Moreover, we don’t like the negative behaviour of the students. Now, the problem is that if a student shows negative behaviour, we try to highlight his behaviour. On the other hand, if a student shows positive behaviour, we don’t try to highlight his behaviour. That’s why universities should also try to set a reward system for those students who show positive behaviour. When the universities will set this kind of reward system, students will be encouraged to show positive behaviour.
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- Have Open Communication:
Most of the professors don’t allow their students to ask their problems openly. As a result, they have to face more problems with bullying. To overcome the problems of bullying, we should also try to open the doors of communication for the students. When they will open the doors of communication for their students, they can easily talk about their problems. The universities should also try to create a desk point to listen to the problems of the students. After listening to the problems of students, they should also try to resolve these problems immediately.
- Monitor Hot Spots:
There are some certain places in universities where bullying can occur more. In these areas, there come hallways, bathrooms, bus stands and playgrounds etc. According to statistics, more than 47 per cent of bullying incidents occur at the hallways. Almost 33 per cent of the bullying incidents occur in the classrooms. Almost 20 per cent of the bullying incidents occur in the schools. The administrators of the universities should highlight all the hot spots. After highlighting all the hot spots, they should try to monitor these hot spots. When they will monitor these hot spots, they can overcome the problems of bullying at the universities.